Aliments spéciaux
Vous êtes à la recherche d’un aliment spécial dont vous avez trouvé la formule dans une publication ou vous souhaitez modifier cette formule en ajoutant, diminuant ou substituant un ingrédient, GENOBIOS vous propose avec ses partenaires de fabriquer et de vous fournir cet aliment.
Ces aliments spéciaux sont fabriqués soit à partir de matières premières classiques (céréales …), soit à partir de matières premières « purifiées » (caséine, amidon, sucrose, huile de lin, lard…).
Fabrication à partir de 5 kg
Présentation sous forme de farine, ou de pellet.
Conditionnements à partir de 1 kg, boîte PP, double-emballage et stérilisation par irradiation en option.
Quelle que soit votre recherche, n’hésitez pas à nous contacter !
Quelques exemples de formules parmi les plus classiques :
Série AIN
AIN - 76 A Purified diet, rats & mice
AIN - 93 G Purified diet, rats & mice
AIN - 93 M Purified diet, rats & mice
Série High Fat
C 1090 – 10 Control diet with w/10% energy from fat
C 1090 – 10 Control diet (free of animal origin)
C 1090 – 15 Obesity-inducing diet with w/15% energy from fat (6%fat)
C 1090 – 20 Obesity-inducing diet with w/20% energy from fat (8%fat)
C 1090 – 25 Obesity-inducing diet with w/25% energy from fat (10%fat)
C 1090 – 30 Obesity-inducing diet with w/30% energy fron fat (13%fat)
C 1090 – 45 Obesity-inducing diet with w/45% energy from fat (22%fat)
C 1090 – 45 Obesity-inducing diet with w/45% energy from fat (free of animal origin)
C 1090 – 60 Obesity-inducing diet with w/60% energy from fat (free of animal origin)
C 1090 – 60 Obesity-inducing diet with w/60% energy from fat (35%fat)
C 1090 – 70 Obesity-inducing diet with w/70% energy from fat (free of animal origin)
C 1090 – 70 Obesity-inducing diet with w/70% energy from fat (42%fat)
Western Type diet 21% fat, 0.15% cholesterol & 19.5% casein
Série DIO (et assimilés)
C 1061 Atherogenic diet, 1% cholesterol & 1% Na-cholat
C 1062 Lipemia diet
C 1063 Fatty liver diet
C 1064 Diabetes diet
C 1065 Caries inducing diet
C 1080 Obesity & diabetes diet
C 1081 Control diet for obesity diet
C 1090 – 10 Control diet with w/10% energy from fat
C 1090 – 10 Control diet (free of animal origin)
C 1090 – 15 Obesity-inducing diet with w/15% energy from fat (6%fat)
C 1090 – 20 Obesity-inducing diet with w/20% energy from fat (8%fat)
C 1090 – 25 Obesity-inducing diet with w/25% energy from fat (10%fat)
C 1090 – 30 Obesity-inducing diet with w/30% energy fron fat (13%fat)
C 1090 – 45 Obesity-inducing diet with w/45% energy from fat (free of animal origin)
C 1090 – 45 Obesity-inducing diet with w/45% energy from fat (22%fat)
C 1090 – 60 Obesity-inducing diet with w/60% energy from fat (free of animal origin)
C 1090 – 60 Obesity-inducing diet with w/60% energy from fat (35%fat)
C 1090 – 70 Obesity-inducing diet with w/70% energy from fat (free of animal origin)
C 1090 – 70 Obesity-inducing diet with w/70% energy from fat (42%fat)
Aliments liquides
C 0197 Highly digestible diet (fat deficient), 30-40g/100ml water
C 0198 Highly digestible (cellulose deficient), 30-40g/100ml water
C 0199 Highly digestible diet, 30-40g/100ml water
C 0200 Pre & postoperative highly digestible diet (water soluble)
C 0300 Highly digestible diet for rodents
C 0400 Highly digestible hydrous diet
Aliments déficients ou enrichis (protéines, vitamines, minéraux…)
Aliments supplémentés avec substances tests…